W-PROBE Std Plus + Tablet
Code: FP-0080
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WPROBE Std Plus + Tablet - Wireless gamma probe for sentinel lymph node detection.
Wprobe is designed with the most technical features on the market to reach the biggest challenges of the Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy as a
surgical technique.
Accurate gamma probe, with greater sensitivity and versatile.The Wprobe kit with tablet, has a custom-designed software with new
functionalities and facilitates counting activity up to three isotopes simultaneously, opening new possibilities for accurate sentinel lymph
node localization in open and laparoscopic surgeries.
Available isotopes: Tc99, I125, In111, Lu177, I131, I123, F18 Ga68, Co57 y Full Range.
Wprobe is designed to make the selective sentinel node biopsy easy, accurate, reliable and versatile for many clinical applications. To
locate complex lymph nodes. It is the best tool for sentinel node detection thanks to its extraordinary spatial resolution, especially in
difficult cases, such as when nodes are found in a cluster or near the injection site.