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PAL® Power Assisted Liposuction System


Code: PAL Surgical System

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PAL® Power Assisted Liposuction System

The MicroAire PAL Systems Consists of:

5020 Standard Electric Console
PAL-650 Power Assisted Liposculptor Devise
5006-PAL Cable
CAP-600E Washer Disinfector Cap
PAL-500 Liposculptor Sterilization Case


Lightweight, autoclavable PAL-650 handpiece.
Wide variety of high-grade stainless steel cannulas available.
Powered by a stand-alone electric console (5020).


Fast Clinical studies comparing the PAL system to manual liposuction found that PAL aspirates 31% more volume per minute leading to a 35% reduction in procedure time.

Precise PAL is proven to reduce surgeon fatigue by 49%, offering a safer and more precise procedure. These benefits result in superior outcomes and faster healing and recovery rates for patients.

The quality of PAL-harvested adipocytes has been shown to be similar to those harvested by manual liposuction and PAL produces higher yields of loosely adherent stem cells, which may improve graft retention.

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