Wart & Verruca Treatment Kit - Box 10
Box of 10
Code: PD0926B
Approx $65.09 USD Exc GST
Wart & Verruca Treatment Kit - Box 10
The Avoca Wart & Verruca Treatment Kit is designed to effectively treat warts and verrucas, which are common skin conditions caused by
viral infections.
The kit includes a treatment solution, an applicator, and a file for preparation.
The solution contains active ingredients that help to dissolve or destroy the wart or verruca. This solution can be applied directly to
the affected area.
The filing tool can help to prepare the wart or verruca for treatment by removing any rough or dead skin, enhancing the effectiveness
of the solution.
Detailed instructions are provided for the proper application and frequency of use. It’s important to follow these guidelines to achieve the best results and minimize potential side effects.
This product is also sold as an individual kit. The code is PD0926.