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Arbre Bio Rebalancing Luffa Skin Polish



$25.00 NZD
Approx $14.03 USD Exc GST

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Bio Rebalancing Skin Polish Exfoliant

A fine cream based exfoliating scrub using natural luffa to assist in the removal of dead cells and other surface debris. Also works to unclog pores whilst hydrating the skin for a revived and refreshed appearance. Incorporating Bio Rebalancing  technology to assist in regulating and normalising oil levels on the epidermis.

BIO REBALANCING TECHNOLOGY- Manages the production of oil levels on the epidermis assisting to regulate and normalise oil levels.
LUFFA- Gently refining and exfoliating.
SEAWEED EXTRACT- Assists in increasing blood circulation within the skin and has stimulating, revitalising, antiseptic and disinfectant properties.

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